Inexweb mobile application presentation

Modified on Mon, 21 Nov 2022 at 05:40 PM

Your Inexweb portal is also available on smartphone and tablet. You will find all the information of your portal, including access to your messages, tasks, news and Bank. 

The Inexweb mobile application also allows you to access all your documents through the Documents application, and to send them to your In Extenso agency through the Scan application.

What the application is composed of?

  • A navigation menu allowing you to access the different applications, namely
    • Activity center, to follow the actions carried out on your folders.
    • News, in order to find all of the business and In Extenso news available to you
    • Messages, allowing you to access your messages (for more information, see the online help of Messenger application)
    • Tasks, allowing you to access your tasks (for more information, see the online help for Tasks application)
    • Documents, to access your documents stored in the Documents application
    • Scan, to access the photo-taking application to transmit your accounting documents. 
    • Bank, to access all your bank statements
    • Dashboard to be redirected to the app.
    • Fact in order to be redirected to the application.
  • A Settings menu, accessible by pressing your email address, located at the top of the navigation menu.
  • A quick action button allowing you to :
    •  Create a new task
    •  Create a new message
    •  Access the camera menu, to send a document to accounting or archive it in "Documents"
    •  Send a document, to transmit a document in accounting or archive it in "Documents"

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