Create a deposit invoice from a quote

Modified on Tue, 13 Dec 2022 at 04:21 PM


Creating a deposit from a quote 

        1. From the quote production view, press create deposit invoice 

        2. Define the original document (quote or purchase order), the amount or percentage you want to apply and tap on save

The percentage defined by default will be the same as the one entered in your settings. The percentage or the amount of the deposit can still be modified for each document.


        3. Produce, duplicate or edit the deposit before sending

Primary actions are actions that allow you to modify the status of the document. In the case of a draft document, we will have the following primary actions:
  • Producing the deposit will move from the Draft step to the Product step. The deposit will be available to be emailed as Product, press Validate again to save the deposit as final and to be paid
  • Delete the creation of the deposit
  • Edit allows you to go back to the date, the VAT and the title of the deposit

It is possible to continue creating other documents from a deposit. The creation of an invoice will include the information from my quote and my deposit invoice.



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