Create a credit note from an invoice

Modified on Tue, 13 Dec 2022 at 04:21 PM

Creation of a credit note following an invoice 


1. From the invoice view, press create credit note and then press the CREATE CREDIT NOTE button

2. Produce, duplicate or edit the credit note before sending 

Primary actions are actions that allow you to modify the status of the document. In the case of a draft document, we will have the following primary actions:

  • Producing a credit note will allow you to move from the Draft step to the Product step. The credit note will be available for emailing and will be marked Product. Press validate again to save the credit note definitively with the mention Paid 
  • Delete the creation of the credit
  • Edit allows you to modify the credit


3. Find all documents in the main menu Document

  • The quote
  • The deposit
  • Invoice
  • The credit note

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