Create a quote from the document tab

Modified on Tue, 13 Dec 2022 at 04:21 PM

Creation of a quote 

To create a quote from the document tab

    1. Press the Documents tab

  2. Press the action button 

        3. Select Quotation

        4. Select or search a customer in the list


        5. Start the document configuration

In order to facilitate the creation of the document, some information is pre-filled.

  1. Enter general information (VAT, dates etc.)
  2. Enter payment information
  3. Add a comment if needed 
  4. Tap Save 


        6. Add an item from catalog 

How does the catalogue work ?
Find your categories of articles in the first level of the directory, then scroll down the directory to find the articles.

                a. Tap on the button Add a product 

                b. Select or create an item in the drop down menu

If you create a new article, save the creation with the save button


        7. You can also search for an item

        8.  Modify the parameters (unit price, VAT, quantity etc.) and press Validate


        9. Add products from editing view

  1. To add a product, tap on Edit and follow step 5 "Add item"
  2. Tap save
  3. Press the crossto access to the overview
  4. Preview the quote by clicking on the quote miniature

        10. Produce, duplicate or edit the quote before sending

Primary actions are actions that allow the status of the document to be changed. In the case of a draft document, we will have the following primary actions.

  1. Produce quote will validate the creation, the quote will be available for sending by email
  2. Duplicate will make a copy of the quote
  3. Edit allows you to return to the quote for modification.
  4. The additional actions allow you to delete, create the invoice and create a down payment   

It is possible to create other documents for the same invoicing cycle, from an quote, I can for example create an invoice which will use the information from my quote.





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