Create an expiration process for a document type

Modified on Thu, 02 May 2024 at 06:08 PM

Functionality reserved for the document manager administrator  

How to create a document expiration process?

To create a document expiration process, simply manipulate the default expiration delay for a given document type.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • Click on the "Settings" icon
  • Then Click on "Document expiration process management"
  • Then 2 actions to perform in the "Default expiration delay" column:
    • Set a number of units
    • Select a time unit (day, month, year)

Once this action is completed, by default, documents will expire after the defined delay. Allowing documents to:

  • expire automatically
  • set a default expiration delay for all uploaded documents linked to the configured type

Without a defined delay for a document type, automated deletion actions and renewal requests will not be triggered.

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