Access to Dashboard data

Modified on Fri, 16 Dec 2022 at 09:44 AM

Access to data 

  1. From home screen, we can find yours different dashboard pages
    • Press a page to access the data 
    • Several widgets are displayed, you can press an item in the widget to consult the data in detail.


The modification of the publication date is reserved to the collaborators of the accounting firm

Modify selected period

You can change the selected period to the Dashboard by clicking on the select period at the top of the screen when or on homepage.

You can also select a fiscal year or month to apply to your Dashboard.

    2. View the details of the data by clicking on "Open data table".

You will find all the data concerning the selected card up to the accounting entries, if available.

    3. To get the details of the amounts, you can press an entry in the table to display the information.

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