Send or reply to a message from the mobile application

Modified on Fri, 07 Oct 2022 at 11:37 AM

Send a new message

To send a message from the mobile application, you must :

  1. Go to the menu   
  2. Select the submenu  
  3. Press the button  
  4. The window for writing the new message appears
  5. Then select the company
  6. Assign message recipient(s)
  7. Enter a subject and the message to be sent
  8. Add any attachments by clicking on the   at the top right of the screen
  9. Finally, send the message

Reply to a message

If notifications are enabled on your mobile device, you'll receive a push notification when a reply or new conversation comes to you. In the same way for the "Tasks" application

Messages are organised in threads like SMS messages on a mobile phone.

To reply to a message from the mobile application, you must :

  1. Go to the menu   
  2. Select the submenu  
  3. Click on the desired thread and reply


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