How to send an accounting document from the mobile application

Modified on Thu, 28 Dec 2023 at 04:19 PM

The Inexweb application allows you to send accounting documents to be recorded in the accounts either by scanning them or by downloading files from your mobile device (smartphone or tablet).

The Scan application is directly integrated into the Inexweb mobile application, allowing you to take a picture of an invoice, a bank statement, etc. and send it to your In Extenso accountant.

Scan an accounting document from your smartphone

To access the Scan module, there are 3 possibilities:

Once logged in and arrived in the home page,

  1.  click on the button then on  
  2. Click on the card
  3. Press the menu button  in the top left-hand corner and select the Scan module.

You can also initiate the sending of your document from the Activity Center by pressing the button (see below).

  • From the Scan application, press the quick actions button  

  • Select Scan option 
  • Select the company concerned


  • Select the accounting journal

  • Select the desired scan mode, then take pictures of the documents using the button

    There are 2 scan modes :

    • SINGLE : allows you to take several single page documents in a row.
    • MULTI : allows you to take a picture of a document of several pages. All the photos will be grouped in the same document.

  • Once the documents have been photographed, press the number of documents photographed at the bottom right  
  • Enter a comment, if necessary, in the field provided.

    A maximum of 10 photos can be captured if the mobile device allows it. If the device does not have enough memory, the limit will be to 5 photos.

  • If necessary, edit documents 
    •   to rescan if the photo is blurred for example
    •   to edit the photo. You can then crop the photo, rotate it or delete it.
  • Once the informations are completed, and the documents are ready to be sent, press the "SEND" button. Your documents will then be sent to your accountant.

Import an accounting document from your smartphone

To access the "Send a document" module, there are 2 possibilities:

Once logged in and arrived in the activity centre, click on the button then on  

or :

  1. Once the Inexweb application has been launched and you have logged in, press the menu button   at the top left.
  2. Select the Scan application
  3. From the Scan application, press the quick action button  


Infos : Status of a document 
The status of the document is indicated by the colour of the badge: 
  • Blue: the document is waiting to be processed
  • Green: the document has been received and processed
  • Red: the document cannot be processed, or it is refused 
  • Grey: the document has been moved

  1. Select the Send a document option  to open your file explorer, then select the PDF document previously saved in your smartphone.
  2. Select the company concerned


  1. Select the accounting journal

  1. Enter a comment, if necessary, in the field provided.

  1. Once the informations are completed, and the documents are ready to be sent, press the "SEND" button. Your documents will then be sent to your accountant.

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